Hostel Life

The school provides a boarding facility for 800 students. The dormitories are well furnished with modern sanitary fittings and 24 hours running hot and cold water facility. The warden, matron along with teaching staff reside in the hostel building to keep an overall eye. The students are provided a well-balanced diet four times a day. The warden and teachers take their meals with the students in the mess. The hostel also provides a common room where the boarders can enjoy in their leisure time.

The school has well-equipped dormitories for the comfort of the students. As most of the quality time is spent in the company of friends and classmates in the dormitories it always has never-ending imprints on the child’s brain. To keep memories alive all the dorms, where these little ‘flowers’ reside, are named after the family of flowers which are as:  

How To Prepare Your Child For Hostel

  • To prepare a child to live in the hostel, parents themselves should be convinced that their decision is right. If they are feeling guilty about sending their child away, all their arguments to persuade their offspring will be hollow.
  • The child should be consulted before a decision is made to send him to the hostel. Giving the child sufficient time to understand why he is going there and how that’s going to change his life(for the better).
  • The child should be made to realize that the move is for his/her benefit and not the parent’s. The move to send the child to hostel must not be interpreted by him as a punishment, otherwise he will begin to hate and dread the hostel even before he joins it.
  • Give examples to the child about positive learning experience, all that a child can gain from the hostel. Make him aware of all the wonderful new things he will be able to learn there. 
  • Any family friend or a relative to whom the child is close to can also be roped in to talk to the child and dispel his fears.
  • He must be made to realize that the lonely moments shall pass and that he will come back to his parents, who love him dearly.
  • If the child is facing any problem, he should never hesitate to bring it to the notice of the school authorities.
  • Its very important that your child develops the confidence and courage to take this transition head-on. Motivate him with the assurance that the family is there to support him at all times. 

Hostel Rules

  • After admission, no parents can meet their wards before the 20th of April.
  • The parents are allowed to meet their wards only on Sundays, or no dates issued by the school on the school calendar. 
  • The duration of the visit should not exceed 3 hours.
  • Visiting hours are strictly between 10 AM to 5 PM on Sundays.
  • Parents and guardians are expected to meet their wards by prior permission of their wardens and not directly in the dormitories.
  • Students are not allowed to keep cash or valuables with them. Students are given pocket money every fortnight or when required. Borrowing or lending money and other personal belongings from each other’s is strictly prohibited.
  • Students must not be given Walkman, I-Pods, Transistors, Mobiles, Electric Shavers, Cameras or other expensive articles to be brought to the hostel. In case of misplacement, the school bears no responsibility.
  • Ragging in any form is strictly prohibited and is a punishable offence. 
  • Parents/guardians taking their children away from school for outings or on short leave must not send them back to school alone. In case a child is sent back to the school alone, the entry of that particular child will be prohibited and he/she will not be entertained by the school administration.
  • No food parcels or eatables of any kind are allowed in the school premises.  
  • In case of damage to the school property and the loss of library books, the recovery will be made by the parent of the student concerned.
  • Holidays will be permitted for valid reasons with a week’s notice.
  • On completion of vacation, students are expected to reach school on time as per schedule or a fine of Rs. 200/- per day will be levied.
  • During the admission procedure, the parents must give a list of relatives and acquaintances, who can be allowed to meet their wards, to the wardens.
  • Parents must stitch student’s hostel numbers using tags on every item. (Rs. 100 will be charged every year for tags)
  • Hostel number once allotted shall remain for all sessions.
  • No trunk or suitcase is required from class Nur. to X as the school provides personal lockers.
  • One blanket, two-bed sheets, 2 pillow covers, and two towels shall be provided by the school for which students are charged once in three years.
  • School uniforms, books, and stationery shall be available at “needs & more” near the school campus.
  • For ordinary ailments, parents are not informed. If the student is admitted to the hospital communication is sent to the parent.